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Kshamavani Parv (Forgiveness Day)

MessagesTo Share On WhatsApp/Facebook & Other Social Media Sites

Kshamavani Parv is a function of forgiveness. The ten-day celebrations pertaining to the ten universal supreme virtues (das lakshan) culminate in the practical observance of the annual forgiveness function. Every member of jain community approaches his friends, relatives, and begs pardon of them for all mistakes committed knowingly or unknowingly.

We put below some Kshamavani Divas (Forgiveness Day) SMS Messages that you can use to send your friends and relatives:

Kshamavani Parv Messages in English

  • Knowingly or unknowingly, by action or speech, words or deeds, If I have ever hurt you, then with humble heart and folded hands UTTAM KSHAMA.
  • By our deeds,words or behaviour if we have hurt you and your feelings, then we bow down to you with folded hands for forgiveness with true feelings and no malice on this day of KSHMAWANI.
  • To err is human nature but to realise it is human quality. It is only jainism which provides us a day to wash-out bitter experience of past with UTTAM KSHAMA. So, please, with the soft corner of yout heart pardon me for all the mistakes occured in the last year through me.
  • On the day of UNIVERSAL FORGIVENESS, I sincerely apologize for all my deeds, words, or imperceptibly which might have hurt you. Please forgive and forget. UTTAM KSHAMA.
  • Anytime, anywhere in any situation,if ever we said somthing wrong which hurts you. So from we deep hearted we bow and express UTTAM KSHAMA.
  • We do not take a minute to hurt Someones's feelings But Sometimes We Take Years To Say Sorry. We Seek 'KSHMA-YACHNA from everyone whom we have hurt knowingly Or unknowingly by our thoughts, words, deed acts or body. On this Universal Forgiveness day of KSHAMA-WANI.
  • Asking Forgiveness an forgiving is an attribute which leads us grow beyond limits...On this Savantsari, I ask forgiveness for all my wrong deeds that hurted you in any ways and clear my heart for my bitter thoughts I had inculcated for you. MICCHAMI DUKKADAM.
  • On the auspicious occasion of Jains today on kshamavani yachna from all for hurting the feelings of anyone knowingly or unknowingly in any form viz, mentally, verbally or physically (man, vachan or kaya se) directly or indirectly in any form of unpleasant happenings. I also forgive all living beings that have caused any pain and suffering to me. Forgive snd Forget! Jai Jinendra.

Kshamavani Parv Messages in Hindi

  • जाने-अनजाने में मैंने अपने शब्दों से या व्यवहार से आपके मन को कभी ठेस पहुंचायी हो तो मुझे कर क्षमा करें।
  • हम सब कहीँ ना नहीँ-कभी ना कभी द्वेष, अहंकार, अहम् से चाहे अनचाहे ग्रसित हो जाते हैं। जाने अनजाने में मेरे द्वारा किये गये गलतियों से आपके ह्रदय को आघात पहुंचा हो तो मुझे क्षमा करें।
  • आज उत्तम क्षमावाणी पर्व के इस पवित्र दिन को आपसे अपने त्रुटियों के लिये क्षमा मांगता हूँ। आशा है कि आप मुझे क्षमा कर अनुग्रहीत करेंगें।
  • कभी जाने अनजाने में, सुनने सुनाने में, पूछने बताने में,मैंने अपने रवैये से आपके हृदय को आघात पहुँचाया हो तो इस क्षमावाणी के दिन आपसे अपनी त्रुटियों पर कर बद्ध होकर क्षमा माँगता हूँ।
  • जाने अनजाने स्वभावगत भिन्नता वश गलतियाँ हो ही जातीं हैं। क्षमावाणी के इस आत्मशुद्धिकरण के अवसर पर गत वर्ष हुये गलतियों के लिये मैं आपसे ह्रदय से क्षमा माँगता हूँ।
  • आज पावन पर्युशण के इस शुद्धीकरण के पवित्र दिन, मैं आप सभी से जाने अनजाने में हुई गलतियों, त्रुटियों के लिये करबद्ध होकर क्षमा मांगता हूँ